New Mindful News : End of Year Holidays 2016
With this holiday season comes a time for us to slow down and reflect on what makes this season so special. Gratitude and connection are what we may have intention to experience, but may miss if we don’t allow ourselves the opportunity to take it in. Amidst all of the eating, drinking, and shopping, there are ways to practice Mindfulness. Slowing down during this time to experience/reflect: appreciating the hands that have made the food, the time and effort to make the items we purchase, the people that are interconnected to us in the process of any of these activities- there are plenty of opportunities for practice!
For more on navigating the Holidays mindfully, check our BLOG !
~Drop-In Classes NOW $10~

Stop by the studio for any one of our guided meditations or mindfulness events for only $10 a session! Connect with this beautiful community and strengthen your practice in Mindfulness with New Mindful Life!
*New Classes*Mindfulness in Balboa Park

Sunday, December 4th
…Meet our teachers at the Studio and walk a few blocks over to Balboa Park to enjoy meditation in nature. A perfect way to end your weekend- in stillness among the sunshine 🙂 This class is donation-based as well!
Book your spot here.
Cultivating Resilience Through Action

Community Support Gathering
Wednesday Evenings
…Join our community, share your voice, a practice of consciously speaking and listening while being guided and supported by one of our Mindfulness Teachers. Our hope is to offer learning skills and resillience for taking action for freedom and justice. We will offer a guided meditation followed by a talking circle for creating a community space to receive, support, and share our feelings about the current state of affairs on our planet post-election.New Mindful Life is an all-welcoming community offering support to a diverse and inclusive community which supports and includes nationality, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion & spirituality, socioeconimic status, ability, and age.
Book your spot here.
*Upcoming Courses for 2017*
Six-Week Introductory Training (SIT) in Mindfulness

~Begin 2017 with Clarity & Stillness~
Starting January 11th through February 15th
Wednesdays 5pm-7pm
…This six-week course is designed to introduce mindfulness practices in a simple and clear progression to integrate mindfulness and meditation into your life.
Special rate $99 (regular $149)
For more information or to register, visit NML SIT Course
Mindfulness for Clinicians Workshop
(Prequel to February 2017 Mindful Clinicians Course Series)

Saturday, January 7th
…This workshop is designed to offer the healing clinician (psychologist, therapist, physician, chiropractor, acupuncturist, coach) the teachings of mindfulness to learn to apply these teachings from a clinical perspective into the therapeutic setting and relationship. It will be offered as an introduction of what is to come with our 4-Week Mindful Clinician Series to be held in February 2017 (Series will have CEU’s Available Upon Request).
To register, visit NML Mindful Clinicians Workshop
Other Upcoming Events:
12/17, Saturday, from 630-8pm
12/31, Saturday, 10pm-12:15am
New Years Eve Potluck & Meditation
…start 2017 with Clarity and Peace! We will be meeting for a community meditation from 11:45pm-12:15am on the Eve of the New Year. We will plan to start gatehring at 1030pm, please bring along a dish for our potluck beforehand and let’s set intentions together for a blessed, fulfilling New Year!!
EVERY Monday & Wednesday Morning 745-830am
Silent Meditation led by Jason
EVERY Monday Evening 630-730pm
Mindfulness in Poetry led by Alisha
EVERY Monday, Tuesday & Thursday Afternoon 1230-1pm
Breath Meditation led by Becki, Jason, or Rochelle
EVERY Thursday Evening 630-730pm
Breath & Body Meditation led by Matt
EVERY Friday Evening 630-730pm
Sound Meditation with Becki
EVERY Sunday (Except the 4th) Evening 5pm-6pm
Open Awareness Meditation with Rochelle
Book your seat for any of our events at
www.NewMindfulLife.comVisit the Calendar to scope and sign up for your next guided meditation. See you at the studio soon!

Sending peace and ease,
the New Mindful Life Team