Below is a list of various organizations that Dr. Rochelle Calvert works in varying capacities, teaching, supporting, and leading trainings. Each of these organizations in their own right has many additional offerings and ways to support awakening and healing trauma and supporting healing of the Earth.

Southwestern College is a consciousness-centered graduate school in Santa Fe, New Mexico offering online/distance and on the ground master’s graduate degrees in Counseling, Art Therapy/Counseling, Art Therapy for Clinical Professionals, Consciousness in Action and PhD in Visionary Practices and Regenerative leadership. Dr. Rochelle Calvert is an adjunct faculty and the director of the Ecotherapy Certificate Program for Southwestern College.

The leading authority on the SE™ method and provider of training and educational programs. SE is a body-oriented therapeutic model that helps heal trauma and other stress disorders. Developed by Peter Levine, Ph.D., it is the result of the multidisciplinary study of stress physiology, psychology, ethology, biology, neuroscience, indigenous healing practices, and medical biophysics, with more than 45 years of successful clinical application. Dr. Rochelle Calvert is a Somatic Experiencing Practioner and helps support and coordinate Somatic Experiencing professional training in New Mexico.

The mission of Awake in the Wild is to inspire all people worldwide to connect with the Earth through mindfulness-based practice and meditation as a support for awakening and deepening love and care for the Earth and all species. Dr. Rochelle Calvert is a teacher for the Awake in the Wild offerings.

Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Center is a home for spiritual practice, with an emphasis on practice in nature. They offer a supportive place for deep practice, meditation, spiritual retreats, and workshops; a place for learning from nature, teachers and other participants; and a place for discovering ourselves in a wild environment. Their mission of EcoDharma is to bring Buddhism and Dharma back into the natural world where they originated, and in doing so, regain the connection and energy necessary to effectively address ecological and related social crises. They offer meditation retreats and workshops in nature, hosted by teachers from a wide range of spiritual traditions and lasting from days to weeks. Dr. Rochelle Calvert is a teacher for RMERC.