The is the 2nd in a series of 4, four week classes to develop mindfulness. CEU’s available for each individual Series. Each class will run for four consecutive weeks. Each of the four classes will be 2 hrs in duration . In addition each class series will include one individual consultation with class teacher to occur during the four week class.
It is required that you have taken Series One prior to enrolling for Series Two.
This class is designed to help clinicians learn to lead formal mindfulness meditations to their respective clients and/or groups. Formal mindfulness meditations are the heart of how practice is developed. To understand how to best guide others in mindfulness meditation practice, participants will be taught and encouraged to lead from their own established mindfulness meditation practice.
As the class progresses participants will learn to lead from the moment and whatever is unfolding in direct experience to allow this knowing to inform and guide the experience that is unfolding for the participant or group. From this class participants will be able to more confidently lead mindfulness meditation practices to their respective clients and/or groups.