This course of classes is designed to offer the healing clinician (psychologist, therapist, physician, chiropractor, acupuncturist, coach) a way to learn to integrate mindfulness into the therapeutic setting and relationship. Mindfulness can enhance our own personal growth and ability to offer the healing work we conduct, and can be an opportunity to teach and share with our patients. This course will help the clinician to establish their own regular mindfulness practice and offer ways to teach and share mindfulness practice with their respective clients.
Class and Series Format
The series of classes are taught in 4, four-week classes. Each class series there are CEU’s available for some therapeutic professions (please email for further information). Each class series will run for four consecutive weeks and each week meets for 2 hours in duration.
Class Series One
This class is designed to help clinicians develop a consistent and deep mindfulness practice. Mindfulness is best taught to others when we have our own authentic practice that is rooted with integrity and discipline. This four week class will help the individual clinician to explore their own experience of mindfulness practice, barriers that may arise and ways to work with these and to more deeply understand oneself, to cultivate a deeper integration of mindfulness into life. From this class participants will be more directly able to offer mindfulness-based approaches to their respective clients from their own integrated practice experiences.