Our drop-in mindfulness meditation classes are for people who are looking to practice mindfulness meditation and engage in dialogue about bringing mindfulness into every day life. A supportive mindfulness teacher will offer you a guided practice and time for question and answer after your experience of mindfulness practice.
Classes are offered at various locations on the first Saturday of each month 9-10am (crown point; please see calendar) and will consist of mindfulness in nature meditation that is followed by a dialogue/inquiry to the experiences from practice.
These classes are open to anyone who is new to mindfulness practice, is learning to develop a consistent and regular meditation practice and/or someone who has an established mindfulness practice and is looking for community and support.
Class Descriptions
Breath and body
Meditation on the focus of breath awareness and body sensations to establish practice within the first foundation of Mindfulness.
Sense awareness
Sensory based meditation where the focus is on the five senses- sight, smell, touch, taste, & hearing. Support is offered on how to integrate these practices into everyday living.
Movement meditation
The focus of meditation is to the awareness to breath and body through the body in movement. Different postures are explored to work with how mindfulness in movement can be practiced in life.
Open awareness
Meditation guidance is offered to cultivate open awareness of the world around and within us and all points of possible experience. We will learn how to work skillfully and non-reactively to each experience that arises.
Mindful Walking
Focus of meditation on the experience of walking, attending to sensations of breath, body, movement and surroundings.
Nature meditation
Meditations are led with the inclusion of both an inner and outer/nature focus. Practices of breathing, seeing, hearing, sensing are combined with the experiences present in nature.